品牌 |
联智电气 ECC |
型号 |
SN10,SN10-10,SN10-10I,SN10-10II,SN10-10-25 |
极数 |
10KV |
额定频率 |
50(Hz) |
额定绝缘电压 |
75KV(V) |
灭弧方式 |
真空断路器 |
机械寿命 |
2(万次) |
产品认证 |
ISO9001-2000 |
SN10-10、SN10-25型户内高压少油断路器 |
概述Summary |
SN10-10(C)、SN10-35kv系列户内高压少没断路器是交流50Hz三相交流系统中的户内开关设备,可供工矿企业、发电厂及变电站作保护和控制之用。 Little oil chopper of indoor high pressure of SN10-10(c).series of KV SN10-35 is communicate 50Hzs three the indoor switch equipments that communicate system is mutually,can be provided as work mineral business enterprise,power plant and transformer substations to make personal guarantee to protect and control it with.
使用环境条件Use Circumstance Condition a、环境温度:上限+40°C 下限一般地区,高寒地区; b、相对湿度不大于90%(+25%); c、海拔高度不大于1000mm; d、没有腐蚀性或可燃气体、水蒸气、污秽等明显污染的场所; e、没有经常性剧烈振动的场所。
a、The environmenttemperature;the Upper limit+40°s next the limit is generallythe regions.high and cold region; b、relative humidity is no bigger than90%(+25%); c、the elevation height is no bigger than the 1000mm; d、have no place that causticity or combustible air,steam of water dirty etc.s pollute obviously; e、usually have no sex place of the violent vibration